Friday 21 April 2017

A Few Snaps

(Allium ursinum)

Common Vetch
(Vicia sativa)

Still to key this out

Lesser Trefoil
(Trifolium dubium)

Common Cranes
(Bit of a grey/black theme to the birds.)

(Cardamine patensis)
No Orange Tips yet though.

Hooded Crow
(The third Grey/Black bird was a smart Black Tern at Chev but I failed to get a snap.)

Sedge Warbler
Lots more back today.


(Caltha palustris)
Providing some welcome warmth and food to these Dipterans.

First Orchid ... almost.

Monday 17 April 2017

Getting Busier

Mrs H has a droopy leg just like her partner?

Common Vetch
(Vicia sativa)

At least 20 in the bay area this week.

Green-winged Teal
Distant shot of the Teal at Hauxley, apparently the reserve is still closed.

Ring Ouzel

Water Avens
(Geum rivale)

Grasshopper Warbler and Reed Warbler both singing on patch this week. Steady stream of Swallows arriving, 3 more House Martins and a 'Commic' Tern.

... because I could.


Wednesday 12 April 2017

Patch and Away

Field Wood-rush
(Luzula campestris)

Yellow Archangel
(Lamiastrum galeobdolon)

Grasshopper Warbler
Only managed three pictures and didn't expect them to be up to much, so I was delighted when I found this was one of the three.

A few Whooper Swans still in the area.

Ring-necked Duck

Singing and Sunbathing

Very earl morning, my only chance to connect with this bird.

Common Crane

Mrs H back on patch and being targeted by the local crow.

Wood Anemone
(Anemone nemerosa)

(Oxalis acetosella)

Grey Wagtail

Golden Plover
Toast for breakfast?


Birding highlights apart from Spoonbill and Crane;  500+ Sand Martins, First Sedge and Grasshopper Warblers, Osprey over patch, Wheatears and several White Wagtails

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Where to Look?

(Bellis perennis)

Looking skywards for Raptors and Cranes, looking down at Plants and Insects, straight ahead for people avoidance! Where to Look?

(Primula veris)

Dame's Violet
(Hesperis matronalis)

Apparently the Dame refers to Damascus although the Lartin name suggests otherwise. Both colour varieties in bloom at Newbiggin.

Greater Periwinkle
(Vinca major)

Common Dog-violet
(Viola riviniana)

Spur paler than petals c.f. Sweet Violet on previous post.

Violets are one of this insects favourites along with Primroses.
Dark-edged Bee-fly



Four species of butterflies on show today, the most surprising being a Speckled Wood. (The other not shown was a Small White.)

Red Admiral

(Prunus spinosa)

Dark Legs above
Pale (orangey) legs below

I think this is ...
Common Field-speedwell
(Veronica persica)

Today I had the biggest group of Sand Martins (100+) at Chevington but as soon as the sun appeared and the temperature rose they started feeding higher over the lake before drifting away.